Ever try to get seven woman to plan something?  HILARIOUS!  We have two Facebook email threads plus a Group wall going and we still can’t decide where to go dancing on a Friday night in Toronto.  But we sure are funny!

This morning FH was back to work on his ship (it’s a good thing I’m sick of ranting about the Navy because poor FH really got burned on this course he just took), so I was up early to drive him and hit the gym. 

Worst. Run. Ever.

OK, not EVER…but in recent history at least.  I don’t know what was wrong with me, but I just could not muster up the energy for more than 3 minutes at a time.  It’s super frustrating that no matter how much I practice or how often I go or how hard I try, I just don’t really ever seem to get much better.  My lung capacity sucks and hasn’t shown any signs of improving…meh.

I still got through 1.62 miles though… that’s only about .10 less than I normally do. (2 minute warmup, 18 minute intervals, 3 minute cooldown)

For a Wednesday morning the weight area was really busy today.  The gym itself wasn’t overly busy, but the area I needed was extra popular…couldn’t get the tricep machine, couldn’t get the 25lb barbell, couldn’t get a good spot in front of mirror.  Weird.  So I settled in on a mat and got some extra core work in instead.

30 regular crunches

30 reverse crunches

30 bicycle crunches

30 side to side twists

2 x 1 minute plank (one on elbows, one on hands)

2 x 30 second side planks (one each side)


Thankfully my Pink Smoothie cheered me up!

I did have to supplement that smoothie with a piece of toast and peanut butter, along with my coffee though.  The holding power wasn’t great, but that could be because of my workout (such as it was).


For lunch I decided it was time to put more of the bread products in our fridge to use, and made a turkey and hummus sammich on a leftover deli style hot dog bun.  In the bun: organic hummus, matchstick carrots, red onion, tomato, deli turkey, and grainy dijon. 


With a side plate of raw veggies, white cheddar, and pickles.


Now to prepare for the weekly neverending conference call!