September 2007

B = coffee (1), Fruity Cheerios w/ skim milk (3)

S = apple (1)

L = Healthy Request Chicken soup (2), toast w/ light cheeze whiz (2) & tomatoes

S = Sweet & Salty bar (3)

D = TBD – out for tapas & sangria with my girlfriends (10 daily + 15 flex)

A = walk the dog (1), maybe some dancing later??

Ooops, forgot my goal yesterday was to stay away from the stupid S&S bars. Ate one and had the points for it so it wasn’t sooooo bad. But I also snuck a couple of pb cups in there, plus a glass and a half of wine and a bowl of SmartPop. Again, only used about 8 flex points…but still…bad!

B = coffee (1), Fruity Cheerios w/ skim milk (3), grapes (1)

S = Nature Valley Fibre Source granola bar (2)

L = Gardennay Santa Fe Corn Chowder (3), baked Tostitos (2), salsa

S = apple (1), Activia ff vanilla yogurt (1)

D = TBD (I might be out, in which case I’m aiming for Subway or Wendy’s….If I’m home, I’ll go for the grilled veggies & rice w/ some leftover chicken breast chunks) (6-8)

A = zip, zero, ziltch – the one block of time I had for walking the dog it was hammering rain outside. boooo!

and I won’t kid myself…there will be a peanut butter cup in there somewhere today…but today’s goal is to stay away from the evil S&S bars!

Mid-afternoon yesterday I was starving for some reason. I guess because I’m finally feeling better, my body wants more food. Or I’m just a sucker for candy. That’s probably it.

I opted to have a peanut butter cup because I had the points for it. So yum with the second cup of coffee I saved for my after lunch pick-me-up. But for some reason I felt it necessary to scarf down a Sweet & Salty bar too. No biggie, I’d just adjust something later in the menu right?

Mhmm. Kickboxing kicked my ass. I was exhausted. No way I was cooking up those grilled veggies when leftover pizza was sitting right there. I ate about 10 points worth, which would be fine but then I followed it up with another of those evil Sweet & Salty bars.

I guess those things are the devil and shouldn’t be brought into our house.

So I ended up using about 5 flex points. Oh well. But I’m not giving myself the day OP for my mini-goal, because I gave in to stupid cravings that I didn’t need.

B = coffee (1), Fruity Cheerios w/ skim milk (3), grapes (1)

S = apple (1), Activia ff raspberry yogurt (1)

L = Gardennay Santa Fe Corn Chowder (3), baked Tostitos (2), salsa (0)

S (pre-gym) = english muffin (2) w/ pb (2)

S (post-gym) = vanilla soy milk (2)

D = grilled yellow zucchini, fresh corn & orange pepper over brown rice (6)

A = walk the dog (1), kickboxing (6)

Hmmm…so there was an incident with a peanut butter cup and a Sweet & Salty bar (don’t shop before dinner!). However, I didn’t eat my soup at lunch or my corn on the cob at dinner…so the points pretty much even out. Daily menu wasn’t exactly as planned, but it was still OP!

I just cleaned out the fridge and sorted what needs to be eaten up. My poor beautiful farmer’s market veggies are feeling neglected. So I’m planning tomorrow’s meals now….

B = coffee (1), Fruity Cheerios w/ skim milk (3), apple (1)

S = Activia ff vanilla yogurt (1)

L = Autumn veg soup (2), chicken salad (2.5) on Wasa (1)

D = GardenBurger (1) w/ light cheddar (1), corn on the cob (2), mashed turnips & carrots (3), ff caesar salad (2)

S = carrot cupcake w/ icing (2), tea (0)

A = hopefully walk the dog (1)

Time to start eating up some of those groceries and leftovers I couldn’t swallow last week…

B = coffee (1) – guess my appetite hasn’t fully returned yet

S = Activia FF raspberry yogurt (1) – gah I’ve been counting these as 2!!

L = leftover chicken noodle soup (1.5), chicken salad (2.5) on Wasa (1)

D = caesar salad (using Kraft ff dressing) (2), with garlic shrimp w/ olive oil (3), corn on corn w/ smidge of butter (3)

S = 2 x carrot cupcake w/ icing (5), tea (0), apple (1)

A = none, still not quite up to it….does going up and down the stairs for laundry count?

Yup, due to eating only soup and yogurt for a few days I am down 2.6 lbs! Woot!!

Well, well. Talk about making up for a lost week of real food. Finally able to eat solid food again, so I went for brunch with a friend….then ordered pizza with another one. 🙂

B = coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon, english muffin, pan fries, hollandaise (30) HOLY BREAKFAST BATMAN!!

S = Purdy’s Peanut Butter Melt (4)

D = 3 pieces pineapple & sausage pizza (18), red wine (2)

S = carrot cupcake w/ icing (2)

Funny enough that is still within my daily points and my weekly flex. Hopefully it shows well on the scale tomorrow…..

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