Gah, I just got up. Ya, that’s 4 hours late. Guess I’ll be working late again. All that lack of sleep in Vegas, combined with the red-eye flight and the 4 time zones really screwed up my sleeping. Lame. Hopefully I can get to sleep properly tonight and put an end to this.

I know you are patiently waiting the tale of my trip, and I promise I will get to it today, but probably not until tonight. Honestly, it’s mostly work stuff but I’ll do my best to make it interesting. I took next to no pictures, and even the one I took of myself in my dress is blurry. haha.

For now I will just regale you with my menu and plans for today…

– coffee with a bit of hot chocolate mix
– “hot” Mini Wheats (have you seen that commercial yet? they recommend using hot milk. I tried it, it’s OK…sucks up the milk too fast!)
honeycrisp apple (thanks Angie!) with cheddar cheese
Kashi Bar
– leftover maple salmon and Asian Crunch salad
– vanilla yogurt and fresh raspberries
– maybe a Fibre One bar

I really want to get to the gym today too. I’ve officially had a week off and if I wait any longer I’ll start going backwards! My neck and arm are stiff right now, but my massage yesterday worked great and I felt good most of the afternoon and evening (which is amazing because I was in serious pain from all the flying). I’m sitting with my heat pack right now and if it’s loose enough later then I will do my HIIT and strength training. If it’s too stiff I’ll settle for an hour of cardio instead. Not sure when I will fit it in…I’ll have to see how work plays out…but likely right before dinner.